Monday 22 October 2012

Hog Hollow gets on the E-brochure bandwagon

Classic print brochures are slowly becoming redundant as technology continues to replace the traditional methods of marketing. Marketers of tourism are very fond of their brochures, handing them out at big travel shows such as the Indaba and the ITB.  Although we strongly agree that we cannot dismiss this marketing medium, we do stress the importance of keeping up with what is new and more convenient to your clients.

An e-brochure is essentially a version of your usual print brochure, just stored and saved on the web. It can be made to look just like the print version with animations that turn the pages like in a book. More and more people are starting to have e-brochures, especially in the tourism industry. Some even use it to  replace their website (however, we do not think that this is a wise choice).

Hog Hollow Country Lodge, one of our very popular partners, has recently launched their first e-brochure and will be sharing it with the tourism industry to make agents lives far simpler.

Have a look at their new brochure:

If you are wondering what is so great about having an e-brochure, then read the following reasons:

1. It is cost effective
Traditional brochures require printing and posting, which is very costly. An e-brochure can be sent from anywhere in the world and downloaded at anytime by your clients. No printing costs and no postage cost.

2. It is environmentally friendly
With traditional brochures you use paper, ink (which can be toxic) and you need to post it which means that the transport will involve CO2 emissions to some extent.

3. More flexible
With a traditional brochure, if you make a mistake or your information changes and is no longer inline with the brochure, you spend a lot of money on reprint and then postage (again). Furthermore, these changes cannot be made immediately, they take time. However, with an e-brochure you can easily update and correct information within seconds.

4. Looking contemporary
A mistake many business make is not adapting to the digital world. The longer you avoid it, the more you will have to learn when you finally realise that you have to become digital to stay competitive. Having something like an e-brochure will make clients see your business as keeping up with the times.

5. Greater Reach
With print brochures you need to spend more money when you want to send the brochure to more people or reach further distances. And with today's technology and information sharing platforms, it is virtually impossible for print to achieve the reach and distance that the digital version can. With one click, you can share this brochure with thousands of people world wide.

6. Personalised
It is common knowledge that people appreciate being addressed directly by name. With print media this is not practical as this would be time consuming and costly. With e-brochures and client database, you can address each brochure to each client personally and increase client satisfaction.

With print media there is no way of knowing who opened the brochure, saw it, or which pages were most popular. This, however, you can achieve with web analytics which can track these behaviours.

There are numerouse reasons, but these are some of the key points to be made.

Let us know what you think? Can you think of more benefits, or even disadvantages?

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