Friday 28 December 2012

Die Hog Hollow Country Lodge Geschichte

“If you can spend a perfectly useless afternoon in a perfectly useless manner, you have learned how to live.”  Lin Yutang (1895 – 1976)

Andy Fermor wuchs in Kalk Bay an der False Bay Küstenlinie bei Kapstadt auf und besuchte eine lokale Schule. Für seine späteren Interessen war es der perfekte Platz um aufzuwachsen. Es gab unzählige Möglichkeiten: Surfen, Tauchen, Bergwandern und eine egalitäre Gesellschaft, noch viel früher als man es im restlichen Südafrika überhaupt für möglich gehalten hätte.

Die Schule oder gar die Universität während der Zeit der Apartheid abzuschließen war eine Herausforderung für viele junge Südafrikaner, da es eine massive Indoktrination und ideologische Beeinflussung des Bildungssystems gab. Obwohl Andis Familie sehr liberal war, arbeitete sein Vater bei der Kriegsmarine und mit der bevorstehenden Wehrpflicht stiegen die Konflikte in der Familie. Er wollte sich für einen britischen Pass bewerben und den zwei Jahren Militärdienst aber auch dem Druck der Apartheidsgesellschaft entkommen. Sein Vater befand sich aber in einer bedrängten Lage, da er für die südafrikanische Regierung arbeitete und somit befürchtete, dass seine eigene Position durch die Verweigerung der Wehrpflicht seines Sohnes gefährdet werden könnte.

Andy fügte sich seinem Schicksal und ging erst nach zwei Jahren in der Navy, einem Taucher und Offizierskurs unter seines Vaters Obhut nach Großbritannien. In London arbeitete er als Ingenieur und entdeckte die „Wunder der Welt“, auch wenn Surf-Reisen immer noch sein primärer Fokus blieben.

In den nächsten sechs Jahren kam Andy bei seiner Arbeit um die ganze Welt – von Australien bis nach China, von Südamerika bis Nordamerika oder Finnand bis Bali. Dabei stellte er fest, welches große Potential Südafrika für den Tourismus hat. Durch die nun neu einsetzende Ausbreitung der Demokratie sah Andy in seinem Traum eine neue Zukunftschance. 1992 begann er dann nach einem Landstück zu suchen, dass seine Vision zur Realität machen könnte. So kam er auf Plettenberg Bay, wo sich schon immer viele Familienurlauber getroffen haben und er sich sicher war, dass es ein großartiger Platz war, um sich niederzulassen und ein neues Leben zu beginnen.

Die zehn Hektar Land sind nun Hog Hollow und wurden im Jahr 1992 gekauft und er begann im Jahr 1993 mit dem Bau des Anwesens.

Was Hog Hollow werden sollte, war zuvor ein kahler Landfleck in einer kaum bekannten Gegend namens „The Crags“. 25 Jahre zuvor wurde die dort angesiedelte Produktion von Fynbos, einer nur in der Gegend des Western Cape wachsenden Pflanze, von der u.a. auch der uns heute beakannte Roibos Tee stammt, aufgegeben, um die kommerziell bedeutenderen, sich schnell ausbreitendenaustralischen Akazien anzubauen. Aus diesen wurde v.a. Tannin und Faserstoff für die Lederindustrie hergestellt.

Während Hog Hollow wuchs und wuchs, dachte Debbie Reynecke über ihre Möglichkeiten nach. Jahre harter Arbeit haben sie an die Spitze ihres Metiers in der Hotelindustrie gebracht, aber dennoch behielt sie immer die Idee im Hinterkopf, Tourismus in einem vielseitigeren und aufregenderen Kontext zu sehen.
Als große Wanderin und Naturliebhaberin, hat Debbie einen Freund dazu eingeladen, mit ihr den „Otter Trail“, eine fünf Tage-Tour entlang der Küste der Garden Route, zu begehen. Nach einer langen Tour beschlossen sie in einem neu gebauten Landhaus einzukehren, dem Hog Hollow.

Großartige Idee! So traf sie Andy und nun haben sie zwei Kinder – Mat und Hannah...

Hog Hollow legt besonderen Wert darauf, Menschen aus der lokalen Umgebung einzustellen, damit diese mit der für sie neuen und abwechslungsreichen Welt des Gastgewerbes vertraut werden. Der größte Teil des Teams  arbeitet schon seit Langem zusammen und hat den Weg nach oben miterlebt. Die tolle Stellung dieser Personen kann nicht oft genug hervorgehoben werden.

Wir leben in einer der schönsten Gegenden der Welt sind aber trotzdem von Gemeinden umgeben, die unter verschiedenen Levels von  Armut leiden. Ein großer Teil dieser Armut kann auf die Zeit der Apartheid und des Kolonialismus zurückgeführt werden. Mit der Unterstützung dieser lokalen Arbeitskräfte, gibt man vielen Familien ein gesichertes Einkommen und kann somit vielen Gemeinden einen positiven Anstoß geben, weitere Personen dazu zu animieren sich ökonomisch und sozial in die lokale Wirtschaft einzubringen.

Um ihren Einsatz und ihr Vertrauen in das Team zu betonen, verließen die Fermors für ein Jahr Südafrika, um eine große Süd-Ost-Asien Tour zu starten. Sie wussten, dass ihr Team Sie in diesem Jahr gut vertreten würde. „Es war schon immer unser Traum die Welt mit unseren Kinder zu entdecken“, sagte Andy. Mit jeweils nur einem Rucksack pro Person (und einem Surfbrett natürlich...) reisten sie nach Vietnam, Malaysia, Kambodscha, Bali, Australien, Namibien und noch ein paar weitere Orte unterwegs.

„Es war ein großes Privileg mit meiner Familie wegzufahren, um zusammenzuwachsen, zu lernen und Spaß zu haben. Aber wie schon Dorothy in dem Film „The Wizard of Oz“ sagte: „Es gibt keinen Ort wie zu Hause.“
Unsere Mitarbeiter durchlaufen ein rigoroses Trainingsprogramm, damit die hohen internationalen Standards in unserem Haus nicht bloß aufrecht erhalten, sondern sogar übertroffen werden. Neben dem internen Fortbildungsprogramm, werden unsere Mitarbeiter außerdem noch außer Haus fortgebildet und in akkreditierte Kurse aus verschiedenen Sektoren der Hotelindustrie geschickt. Es handelt sich dabei um ein fortlaufendes Programm wie z.B. Kochkurse, Erste-Hilfe-Kurse, Management- und administrative Programme, sowie auch verschiedene Programme in anderen Anlagen, um den Horizont der Bewerber zu erweitern. In den verschiedenen Programmen gibt es viel Abwechslung und wir haben sogar vier unserer Mitbeiter zur Weiterbildung nach Großbritannien geschickt, um ihnen ein ganz anderes Hotelgewerbe nahe zu bringen.

FTTSA – Fair Trade in Tourism South Africa
Am 14. Juli 2005 wurden wir als Anwesen vom South Africa Fair Trade in Tourism akkreditiert. Damit waren wir das 13. Gästehaus in ganz Südafrika, das überhaupt diesen Status erhalten hat! FTTSA unterstützt und fördert faire und verantwortungsvolle Arbeitspraktiken durch das unabhängige und gut zu erkennende Markenzeichen der „fairness in the tourism industry“. Die FTTSA folgt strengen Richtlinien (Selbsteinschätzungen werden durch unabhängige Einschätzungen überprüft) und es wird besonders auf faire Gehälter, Arbeitsbedingungen, sowie ethische Arbeitsweisen und den Respekt der Menschenrechte, der lokalen Kultur und auch der Umwelt geachtet.

The Wilderness Foundation: Green Leaf Accreditation
Am 10. Mai 2008 erhielten wir die Green Leaf Akkreditierung der Wilderness Foundation. Dabei waren wir eines der sechs ersten Anwesen in ganz Südafrika, das von der Foundation ausgezeichnet wurde. Die Wilderness Foundation ist eine südafrikanische Umweltschutz- und Non-Profit-Organisation, welche in Zusammenarbeit mit Vuselela Management Services, einer Tourismusentwicklungsgesellschaft, ein unabhängiges Gerät herstellten, mit dem Hotels und Gästehäuser ihren umweltbedingten Footprint messen können. Dadurch haben wir unsere Umweltstatistik deutlich verbessern können und haben jährlich unser Umweltmanagement verbessert. Bei der Bewertung des Footprints werden fünf Kategorien bewertet: Wasser, Energie, Abfall, Produkte und Innovationen. Jede Kategorie wird bewertet, gewichtet und auf das Jahr hochgerechnet. Hiernach wird ein neues Ziel zur Verbesserung für das folgende Jahr gesetzt.
Ohne unser wunderbares Team und die Energie, die jeder einzelne in seine Arbeit bei Hog Hollow steckt, hätten wir keines dieser Ziele erreichen können!

Unser ganzes Team heute:
In der Küche stellen Executive Chef Big Joe und Celie & Essie, sowie deren Kollegen Sharon, Elmarie, Sonja, Ellen und Florence sicher, dass niemand hungring bleibt und selbst die außergewöhnlichsten Wünsche der Gäste erfüllt werden können.
Unsere wundervollen Gäste werden von unseren brillanten Gastgebern Assistant Manager Lundi und Carmen betreut, die von Nkosnathi, Milla, Carol, Eunice, Elvis, Beauty, Rentie und Xolisa hervorragend unterstützt werden. Und nicht zu vergessen: Geplant werden alle Aktivitäten und Reisepläne von unserem „X-Faktor“ Xolani.
Zusammengehalten wird alles von Helen, unserer Haushälterin und ihren Unterstützern: Francis, Maureen, Phakama, Fatima und Susan, die niemals müde werden, die Räume perfekt zu arrangieren.
Nicht zu vergessen sind auch Vincent, Jannie, Isaac, Joseph und Thandisiswe, die sich täglich um den Garten und das Waschen der Fahrzeuge kümmern.
Und zu guter letzt, versteckt im Büro, Elsa, Bobo und Josie, die sich um die administrative Arbeit kümmern.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Welcoming Bramon Wine Estate & Restaurant To The SMMS Portfolio!!!

Bramon WIne Estate and Restaurant- a new SMMS partner
Bramon Wine Estate & Restaurant
Silke Marshall MarketingSolutions’ Team is proud to announce that BramonWine Estate & Restaurant is now part of our exclusive and handpicked portfolio! We have been fond of this hidden gem for a long time and now are honoured to be able to represent it!

Bramon's Sauvignon blanc- The Crags
Bramon's Sauvignon blanc- The Crags
Bramon Sparkling Wine
Bramon Sparkling Wine

 Situated 20 km East of Plettenberg Bay and a mountainous area - The Crags, Bramon Wine Estate & Restaurant is the first and only Estate which lies this far East from the Western Cape. This quirky boutique Estate was named after the owners', Peter and Caroline Thorpe, children - Bram & Manon. These Plettenberg Bay vineyards produce award winning Methode Cap Classique sparkling wine and still Sauvignon blanc "The Crags".

Bramon Wine Estate & Restaurant- quirky and romantic
Bramon Wine Estate & Restaurant- quirky and romantic

Peter, having been brought up on a farm, has developed an inherent passion and understanding of wine. The gentle slopes and cool breezes in Bramon location are excellent conditions for vine growth. He definitely found a hidden gem in the Crags of Plettenberg Bay.

Bramon Wine Estate & Restaurant
Bramon Wine Estate & Restaurant- sit in the vineyards 

Bramon Wine Estate & Restaurant- not the typical but rather the  refreshingly unique!
Bramon Wine Estate & Restaurant- not the typical but rather the  refreshingly unique! 

Bramon Wine Estate & Restaurant- the wine is worth a taste!
Bramon Wine Estate & Restaurant- the wine is worth a taste!

Bramon Wine Estate & Restaurant- the Wine Cellar
Bramon Wine Estate & Restaurant- the Wine Cellar

Bramon Wine Estate & Restaurant- an inside view
Bramon Wine Estate & Restaurant- an inside view

Bramon Wine Estate & Restaurant- a fairy in the Vineyards
Bramon Wine Estate & Restaurant- a fairy in the Vineyards

Friday 23 November 2012

Bramon Wine Estate & Restaurant hosts a Watershed Concert!


The Pop-Rock Band, Watershed, is a South African Band that was founded in the year 1998. This band became a natural success when a German DJ heard their single "Indigo Girl", liked it and played it overseas. 

Now Bramon Wine Estate and Restaurant is hosting this South African band in their "Back Yard". On the 27th and 28th of December 2012, a double show is being performed at the hidden gem in Plettenberg Bay. Watershed will be opened by Wendy Oldfield & Tigger Reunert.

 The show starts at 16h30 but doors open at 16h00 for guests to find a comfortable spot to enjoy the wine and show. Limited chairs, tables and hay bales will be supplied but please bring picnic blankets (and your dancing shoes).  A cash bar with wines, beers and cool drinks will be provided. A cash food tent will be available. 
No alcohol/drinks/food may be brought onto the premises.

Tickets are sold at R260 per person and Stocks are Limited!

The tickets include a double show featuring Watershed, opened by Wendy Oldfield and Tigger Reunert. 
and a branded imported bubbly flute.

Tickets must be paid in advance to secure your booking. 
You can deposit, EFT (please e-mail proof of payment to with your name as a reference and what day you will attend the concert).

Please state your initials, surname & day of attending as your reference.
Acc: FNB Plettenberg Bay
Branch: 210514 Plettenberg Bay
Acc No: 62130799292

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Hog Hollow Country Lodge & Villa Enjoys New Chill Lounge and Viewing Deck

Recently the very popular "Hog Hollow Country Lodge & Villa" introduced guests to the new chill lounge and viewing deck. Here are some pictures we would like to share with you:

Friday 9 November 2012

Need to organise an End of Year function? Try something more personal...

Bartholomeus Klip Farmhouse Year End Packages

Option 1: Game Drive With High Tea
Max 20 guests

This package includes a nature drive and high tea. The nature drive vehicle can only seat 10 guests at a time, thus the game drive will be split into two groups. While the first group heads off on the game drive, the second group will enjoy the activities at the deck house. This would be canoeing, bird watching and swimming. After enjoying the reserve you will head back to the deck house to enjoy a delicious High Tea spread. (All weather depending)

R 300 per person

Option 2: Game Drive With Three Course Lunch
Max 20 guests

This package includes a nature drive and a three course lunch. The nature drive vehicle can only seat 10 guests at a time, thus the game drive will be split into two groups. While the first group heads off on the game drive, the second group will enjoy the activities at the deck house. This would be canoeing, bird watching and swimming. After enjoying the reserve you will head back to the deck house to enjoy a delicious three course lunch. (All weather depending)

R 500 per person

Option 3: Game Drive With Afternoon BBQ
Max 20 guests

This package includes a nature drive and BBQ. The nature drive vehicle can only seat 10 guests at a time, thus the game drive will be split into two groups. While the first group heads off on the game drive, the second group will enjoy the activities at the deck house. This would be canoeing, bird watching and swimming. After enjoying the reserve you will head back to the deck house to enjoy a delicious BBQ. (All weather depending)

R 600 per person

Option 4: Take Your Picnic Basket Out For The Day
Max 10 guests

Enjoy the day out in the veld with your own picnic basket. We have a lovely selection of traditional savoury and sweet snacks/ salads/ sandwiches with beverages and sparkling wine. Picnic basket servers two people. Your basket will include picnic lunch, selected beverages, blanket, bottle opener, salt & pepper and serviettes. Use of mountain bikes is also subject to availability. (All weather depending).

R 400 per person

Option 4: Take Your Picnic Basket Out For The Day
Max 10 guests

Enjoy a fun filled cooking experience with our chefs in the farm kitchen. Enjoy a themed menu with teams preparing different courses. Enjoy great local wines and a fun filled day in our kitchen. The package also includes all ingredients, selected drinks, recipe cards, Bartholomeus Klip aprons and a three course meal.

R 770 per person 

Terms & Conditions: Subject to availability, Minimum of 10 guests, 50% deposit to be paid to secure booking, no children under the age of 16

Valid from 1 November 2012- 20 December 2012/ some options are weather depending and alternative venues will be used. Book before the 31st of October 2012 and receive a 10% discount.
Contact us: +27 (0)22 448 1087 | +27 (0)82 829 4131 | |

Friday 2 November 2012

Eastern Cape Torrential Rains Affect HillsNek Safaris

The torrential rains that have hit the Eastern Cape in South Africa over the past weeks have caused serious damages both to infrastructure and the lives of the locals. Thirteen deaths have been reported of which one was a young 5 year old boy that drowned in this home town.

The bridge that provides access to Cape St Francis has been washed away, and the popular N2 road has split between PE and Grahamstown, making the latter cut off from the rest of the world.

In these eight days ,approximately 180mm of rain was received. The Bushman's river, which runs through the Amakhala Game Reserve, has also flooded and caused difficulties for HillsNek Safaris (an exclusive tented camp experience). The flood caused damage to infrastructure and loss of access to certain areas. Access to HillsNek was still possible via the N2, however many beds were nevertheless cancelled for safety purposes.
HillsNek team continued to run the lodge professionally and adapt to the situation, doing their best to ensure satisfied guests.

The pictures below illustrate how the HillsNek team transported fresh produce to the lodge. Working hard to make guest feel unaffected by the storm.

If you would like to find out more about how the storm affected HillsNek, please contact them:

tel: +27 (0)82 324 3484


Monday 22 October 2012

Hog Hollow gets on the E-brochure bandwagon

Classic print brochures are slowly becoming redundant as technology continues to replace the traditional methods of marketing. Marketers of tourism are very fond of their brochures, handing them out at big travel shows such as the Indaba and the ITB.  Although we strongly agree that we cannot dismiss this marketing medium, we do stress the importance of keeping up with what is new and more convenient to your clients.

An e-brochure is essentially a version of your usual print brochure, just stored and saved on the web. It can be made to look just like the print version with animations that turn the pages like in a book. More and more people are starting to have e-brochures, especially in the tourism industry. Some even use it to  replace their website (however, we do not think that this is a wise choice).

Hog Hollow Country Lodge, one of our very popular partners, has recently launched their first e-brochure and will be sharing it with the tourism industry to make agents lives far simpler.

Have a look at their new brochure:

If you are wondering what is so great about having an e-brochure, then read the following reasons:

1. It is cost effective
Traditional brochures require printing and posting, which is very costly. An e-brochure can be sent from anywhere in the world and downloaded at anytime by your clients. No printing costs and no postage cost.

2. It is environmentally friendly
With traditional brochures you use paper, ink (which can be toxic) and you need to post it which means that the transport will involve CO2 emissions to some extent.

3. More flexible
With a traditional brochure, if you make a mistake or your information changes and is no longer inline with the brochure, you spend a lot of money on reprint and then postage (again). Furthermore, these changes cannot be made immediately, they take time. However, with an e-brochure you can easily update and correct information within seconds.

4. Looking contemporary
A mistake many business make is not adapting to the digital world. The longer you avoid it, the more you will have to learn when you finally realise that you have to become digital to stay competitive. Having something like an e-brochure will make clients see your business as keeping up with the times.

5. Greater Reach
With print brochures you need to spend more money when you want to send the brochure to more people or reach further distances. And with today's technology and information sharing platforms, it is virtually impossible for print to achieve the reach and distance that the digital version can. With one click, you can share this brochure with thousands of people world wide.

6. Personalised
It is common knowledge that people appreciate being addressed directly by name. With print media this is not practical as this would be time consuming and costly. With e-brochures and client database, you can address each brochure to each client personally and increase client satisfaction.

With print media there is no way of knowing who opened the brochure, saw it, or which pages were most popular. This, however, you can achieve with web analytics which can track these behaviours.

There are numerouse reasons, but these are some of the key points to be made.

Let us know what you think? Can you think of more benefits, or even disadvantages?

Friday 12 October 2012

Bartholomeus Klip Farmhouse is one of Bob Skinstadt's Weekend Getaways

Bob Skinstadt interviews Bartholomeus Klip Farmhouse's MD

Every wednesday between 3- 5pm, Bob Skinstadt, a retired SA pro rugby player turned broadcaster,  hosts a radio show on 2Oceans Vibe Radio. This past Wednesday (10 October 2012), Bob interviewed the Bartholomeus Klip Farmhouse's managing director Micheal Gregor. 

The interview was well guided by Bob. He asked Micheal to briefly explain what Bartholomeus Klip has to offer and why people go there. 

In response, Micheal stated that many people come on weekends as the property is restful, peaceful and allows guests to feel pampered. Many people taking the Garden Route stop over as well, especially when it is the end of their travel. [This allows travellers time to relax and restore their senses before returning to their everyday life]. Micheal further explains that many come to experience the cooking of the competent and ambitious Chef (Louise Gillett), who invents some of the most exquisite cuisine South Africa has to offer. Bartholomeus Klip has become renowned for their well prepared and presented dishes. They are currently compiling a cook book that will entail some of Louise's most exquisite recipes.   

Bob was able to reconfirm what Micheal was mentioning as he too has been to Bartholomeus Klip and enjoyed it. Bob said that he just relaxed most of the time and that was perfect for him. He confirmed the remarks about the outstanding cuisine with the mention that high-tea caught his interest the most. 

Bartholomeus Klip Farmhouse is one of Bob's favourite weekend getaways...only 75 min outside of Cape Town.

Have a listen to the interview: 

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Press Release: HillsNek Safaris re-opens with a fresh new look!

Press Release
HillsNek Safaris re-opens with a fresh new look!

HillsNek tented camp has undergone a sophisticated refurbishment, creating an inspiring and fresh “new” look. Designed and decorated by Brent and Chantelle Cook, HillsNek Safaris is renowned for its  100% owner managed and run philosophy.

Tucked away in a secluded corner of the Amakhala Game Reserve, HillsNek is a hidden gem in the heart of the Eastern Cape. Constructed from canvas, thatch and wood, the lodge lies in an elevated position framed by a back drop of spectacular cliffs, which evokes a soulful and tranquil atmosphere to the camp.

The public areas and safari tents have been successfully revamped, but the essential integrity and special ambiance of the camp has remained. A fresher African safari feel has been introduced using a clever fusion of natural colours from  tranquil off-whites through to dark chocolates, with contrasts of bright African shades such as lime and burnt orange. Decorative items such as the custom-made knitted chandeliers, wildlife photography, textured scatter cushions and other unique and eclectic hand-made pieces adorn the lodge.

The main lodge has retained its open design that engages the senses with its outside-in feel and gives the impression of a tangible connection to its spectacular surroundings.  Roll-up canvas blinds offer a seamless and welcoming flow from one area to the next. HillsNek has always drawn inspiration from its landscape, and leans on raw and organic materials to enhance its natural aspect.

Each luxurious tented suite features a romantic ‘wash in the wild’ outdoor shower, deep ceramic baths, and private wrap around wooden decks that enhance breathtaking views across the plains. The surrounding environments of the African bush are constantly echoed in the interiors, through the vibrant colours, patterns and textures. Romantic summer dinners are enjoyed under a panorama of star spangled skies on raised decks – you can’t get much closer to pure heaven.

An easy one hour’s drive from Port Elizabeth; or bookable road transfers are also availableillsHill.

Let  the true African spirit of HillsNek enchant you.

For all reservation enquiries please contact HillsNek Safaris by telephone on 082 324 3484 or by email on or visit the website on

Friday 28 September 2012

Palmiet Valley Estate Celebrates the new Season

Palmiet Valley Estate Celebrates a new Season

One of SMMS' oldest partners, Palmiet Valley Estate, is a haven tucked away in the Paarl Valleys of the Western Cape. Most of the first time tourists to South Africa travel to Stellenbosch when they want to experience the Winelands... but the more experienced travellers will know that Paarl has a unique offering that is more rustic and romantic.

With the South African sun slowly peaking through and giving us days of unexpected heat, we are all so excited to celebrate the new season. What better way to do this than with some wine, lovely people and relaxing Jazz music. This is exactly what SMMS and the team at the estate organised for various important people in the tourism industry.

Jazz Band 

As much as we had all hoped for sunshine, God knew what was best and blessed us with a light rain, which, surprisingly, added to the atmosphere and ended up being perfect for the event.

Palmiet Valley Estate wine was served with snacks prepared by their chef Rudi van Dyke.

Familiar Faces

Yummy Food!!!
The event was well attended with more that 40 people popping in for a glass of wine and a chat with some old friends and colleagues. New networks were also build.

Most people came to meet the new manager at Palmiet Valley Estate, namely Luke Barton. SMMS selected this young man due to his charm, charisma and years of experience in the industry.

We thank all those who came to this celebration. Each person brought a fun vibe and many people thanked us the next day... often described as a sneaky little break in the middle of the week.

We wish all those in the industry a successful season ahead.

Kind regards,


Happy faces enjoying the wine and music

Making new contacts

Marguerite Uhlendorff- Owner of Palmiet Valley Estate